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Instructor: Erin Fielding


Course Description: The focus of this class is to lay a solid foundation for writing at the high school level. Each quarter I will introduce a different type of writing assignment that students are expected to become proficient in as they move towards college. My goal is to give them tools that will help them gain confidence and “demystify” the process of writing in a positive, encouraging environment. I expect the students in this class to work hard but I do not expect perfection. I am far more interested in improvement than perfect scores. I have listed below the types of writing that I plan to cover this year as well as a few of the specific skills we will cover.

  • Expository- Cause/Effect

    • Exploring the relationship between events in history and their consequences

  • Expository- Literary Analysis

    • Learning how to analyze a piece of literature for structure and content

  • Argumentative- Problem/Solution

    • Choosing and articulating the best solution to an existing problem

  • Persuasive- Take a Stand

    • Learning how to articulate an opinion on a current issue

Course Objectives: Embedded skills (not a complete list): 

  • MLA formatting

  • Thesis writing

  • Choosing appropriate sources

  • Crafting an outline

  • Citing sources in text

  • Works cited page

  • Using sound logic

  • Revising and editing

Grade Level: 9th-12th

Class Time: Tuesday 10:20AM-11:35AM

Course Duration: Full Year

Required Materials(s):

  • Binder with dividers (preferably with pockets) to store paper materials

  • Notebook paper

  • Pencils and highlighters

  • Access to a computer outside of class

  • Reliable internet access (All major assignments will need to be completed and submitted through Google Docs–essays will not be handwritten.)

Supply Fee: $25

Classroom Expectations:

  • Show up ready to learn with a positive attitude.

  • Be respectful to everyone in the room.

  • Keep up with assignments. 

  • Let me know if you will be absent ahead of time if possible.

Grading Policies: Students will produce one essay per quarter, which accounts for much of their overall grade. The quarterly grades will be calculated as such: 10% Participation, 10% Padlet, 60% Homework, 20% Final draft

Grading Scale: 100%-90% A, 89%-80% B, 79%-70% C, 69%-60% D, 59%-0% F

The Writing Workshop (2024-2025)

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