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Instructor: Emily Fertic


Course Description: This course will take a practical approach to writing and answer all of the "whys" behind the most common types of writing a student will be expected to do in college and beyond from narrative essays and research papers, to cover letters, resumes, and business emails.

Course Objectives: By the end of the year, each student should be able to produce a well structured and well written essay as well as a variety of practical writing examples such as business letters, resumes, and blog posts.

Grade Level: 9th-12th

Class Time: Tuesday 11:40AM-12:55PM

Course Duration: Full Year

Required Book(s): "Put Some Pants on That Kid (Student Book)" by Crystal Crawford

Required Materials(s): College ruled paper, a word processor, a pen or pencil, and the required text.

Recommended Book(s) and/or Materials(s): A blue/black ink pen, a colored ink pen, a highlighter

Supply Fee: $15

Classroom Expectations:

  • Students should arrive to class on time, with all readings and assignments completed.

  • The instructor should be informed in advance of any planned absences.

  • All assignments should be completed and turned in on time. 10% will be deducted from an assignment's final grade for each week that it is late. 

  • Cell-phone use is not permitted in class. Other electronics may be used for note-taking or other class-related purposes, but the instructor reserves the right to request such use be discontinued if it proves a distraction.

Grading Policies: Attendance and Participation: 15% Homework: 50% In-Class Assignments: 35%

Grading Scale: (90-100=A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 59 and below=F)

Artificial Intelligence: For any assignment that shows evidence of having been plagiarized, AI-generated, or otherwise not the student's original work, the parent will be contacted and the assignment will be given a zero until if/when the parent verifies the originality of their child's work and requests a re-grade.

College Prep English (2024-2025)

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  • Description: This course will help prepare high school students to succeed in college-level writing and college-level English courses. The first semester of this course will focus on grammar, mechanics, and mastery of language to achieve eloquent expression of written ideas. The second semester will build on these concepts, focusing on achieving college-level writing skills, becoming familiar with MLA and APA formats, and mastering various writing styles.

    Grading: (90-100=A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 59 and below=F):

    • Homework: 10%
    • Participation: 5%
    • In-class Writing Assignments: 10%
    • Quizzes: 5%
    • Mid-term: 10%
    • Essay 1: 15%
    • Essay 2: 15%
    • Research Paper: 20%
    • Final Exam: 10%


    • Students should arrive to class on time, with all readings and assignments completed.
    • Instructor should be informed in advance of any planned absences.
    • Cell-phone use is not permitted in class. Other electronics may be used for note-taking or other class-related purposes, but instructor reserves the right to request such use be discontinued if it proves a distraction.
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