Instructor: Elena Scott
Course Description: The lessons will be focused on teaching different art techniques so the students can explore their own creativity.
Course Objectives: Students will be allowed to make their own choices with materials, processes, and interpretations. When learning a new media, students will be presented options thus leaving the project open for them to choose and learn through their own experimentation in order to achieve the creative process.
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Course Duration: Full Year
Class Time: Tuesday, 9:00am-10:15am
Supply Fee: $50 materials fee
Classroom Expectations:
- Self-ownership: Be in the classroom on time.
Ownership: Clean up after yourself; focus on work at hand. If unsure what to do, ask for clarification.
Achievement: Complete work on time, bring needed materials.
Respect: Respect fellow students and each individual’s creative abilities, listen attentively, follow procedures.
Phone Policy: Cell phones will only be allowed during specific times and for class use exclusively as the instructor indicates.
Grading Policies: Grades will be determined by attendance and participation. Completed projects 80%, attendance 10%, homework 10%.
Grading Scale: (90-100= A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 0-59=F)